The plot revolves around a struggling street photographer Rafi (Nawazuddin Siddiqui), based in Mumbai, who works day and night to pay off an old family debt. His grandmother (Farrukh Jaffar) wishes to see him married and constantly pressures him to find a suitable match. He convinces his grandmother by showing her a picture of a shy stranger, Miloni (Sanya Malhotra). When Rafi’s grandmother further prods to introduce her to his fiancé, he tracks down Miloni, a student belonging to a middle-class family. Rafi convinces her to fake their relationship, to which Miloni readily agrees. Despite the difference in their culture, status and economic background, the two form a unique bond. The film is a love letter to Mumbai, bringing the city out as a character sheltering the two protagonists and their extraordinary journey.
Mis Spell Name
- Photo Graph,Photography, Photo Graphy
- Drama
Production House
- AA Films, Amazon Studios
- Ritesh Batra, Viola Fügen, Neil Kopp, Michel Merkt, Vincent Savino, Anish Savjani, Michael Weber
- Ritesh Batra
- -
Censor Date
- 11/03/2019
Censor Year
- 2019
Released date
- 08/03/2019
Released Year
- 2019
Censor Board Details (Central Board of Film Certification)
Certificate No :
- DIL/2/121/2019-MUM
Certificate Date :
- 11/03/2019
Office :
- Mumbai
Guage :
- -
Length :
- 10959 Feet 3653 Meters
Duration :
- 125 Minutes
Reels :
- 12
Color :
- Coloured
Native Language :
- Hindi
Dubbed Languages:
- Another Language
- Producer : Ritesh Batra , Viola Fügen , Neil Kopp , Michel Merkt , Vincent Savino , Anish Savjani , Michael Weber
- Director : Ritesh Batra
- Writer : Ritesh Batra
- Screenwriter- screenplay : Ritesh Batra
- Dialog Writer : Ritesh Batra
- Story : Ritesh Batra
- Actor : Nawazuddin Siddiqui
- Actress : Sanya Malhotra